What’s in the Readers to Real Books Guide?

The “Readers to Real Books” guide is enough material for a full school year.  This program pulls together several great resources as shown below.  This guide schedules: four highly interactive write-in readers, handwriting practice, spelling, phonics worksheets, grammar worksheets, creative composition, spelling activities and games, phonics activities and games, vocabulary, language activities, reading comprehension, and three interactive readers on parts of speech.

The guide offers an abundance of weekly teaching notes, helps, and instructions on how-to-use the materials in this guide and so on.  Each week creative composition ideas for early and later American history, world history, and cultures around the world.  Blank lined handwriting originals can be copied for student who need more practice than the handwriting scheduled using the “Silver Lake Handwriting Set.”  As weekly games are scheduled every week their instructions and other helpful lists and information is include.  Answers for the four write-in readers are also included as part of this guide.

Great Scheduled Interactive Write-In Readers!

The four write-in readers have pages on phonics, spelling, vocabulary, and fun reading comprehension activities.  The reading passages continues from where students left off from the previous program, “Stories to Short Chapters.”  Returning students will enjoy the further adventures of Acorn the squirrel and his friends.  Further information on these great readers, “Ambush in the Aspens” Student Book, “Skating on Silver Lake” Student Book, “Treachery in the Timber” Student Book, and “Laughter at the Lodge” Student Book, can be seen on their separate pages.  For families that are new to our language arts, your students will have no trouble reading the stories, as an introduction is included in the first student book, “Ambush in the Aspens.”

These phonetically focused stories engage student and give plenty of practice decoding longer words with a similar phonograms, expanding their vocabulary, and helping them better retain what they’ve read through the fun stories and reading comprehension activities.  Using the “Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game,” “Acorn’s Game Set,” the four write-in readers, and other resources your student will have a variety of experiences to greatly increase their reading and language skills through this fun program.

What will you study in the Readers to Real Books Resources?

List of the Student Books

  • Write-In Reader: Ambush in the Aspens Student Book
  • Write-In Reader: Skating on Silver Lake Student Book
  • Write-In Reader: Treachery in the Timber Student Book
  • Write-In Reader: Laugher at the Lodge Student Book
  • A Mink, A Fink, & A Skating Rink: What is a Noun?
  • To Root, To Toot, To Parachute: What is a Verb?
  • Hairy, Scary, Ordinary: What is an Adjective?
  • Silver Lake Handwriting Set
  • Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game (NOT SOLD HERE)
  • Acorn’s Game Set

Concepts “Readers to Real Books” Covers:

Week 1: Vowel “a”

Week 2: Vowel “e”

Week 3: Vowel “i”

Week 4: Vowel “o”

Week 5: Vowel “u”

Week 6: Word Endings “-ff,” “-zz,” “-ss,” “-ck,” “-ng,” & “-nk”

Week 7: Phonograms “ch,” “sh,” “th,” “wh,” “gh,”& “ph”

Week 8: Consonant “c” says “s” & “g” says “j”

Week 9: Phonogram “oo”

Week 10: Phonograms “oy” & “oi”

Week 11: Phonograms “ow” & “ou”

Week 12: Phonograms “ar” & “or”

Week 13: Phonogram “ur”

Week 14: Phonogram “are,” “air,” “err,” “ear,” “eir,” & “ear”

Week 15: Word Endings “ough” & “augh”

Week 16: Phonograms “aw” & “au”

Week 17: Silent Letters

Week 18: Phonics “ey,” “y,” “ie,” “eigh,” & “ei”

Week 19: Word Endings “sure,” “ture,” & “zure”

Week 20: Suffixes “er,” “est,” “ed,” & “ing”

Week 21: Word Endings & Syllables “ful,” “less,” “ly,” “age,” “ance,” “able,” & “ness”

Week 22: Word Endings & Syllables “ing,” “ful,” & “ly”

Week 23: Suffixes & Plurals “ion,” “tion,” “sion,” “en,” “ive,” “ity,” “some,” & “es”

Week 24: Plurals & Unusual Plurals “s,” “es,” & “ves”

Week 25: Phonograms, Plurals, & Unusual Plurals “ew,” “ue,” “ies,” “ves,” & “es”

Week 26: Prefixes

Week 27: Plurals & Syllables

Week 28: Syllables

Week 29: Syllables

Week 30: Prefixes & Syllables “ex,” “en,” “dis,” “non,” & “de”

Week 31: Plurals & Unusual Plurals

Week 32: Phonics “ci,” “si,” & “ti”

Week 33: Apostrophes for Possession & Contractions

Week 34: Synonyms, Antonyms, & Apostrophes

Week 35: Homonyms, Synonyms, & Antonyms

Week 36: Homonyms, Synonyms, Antonyms, Plurals, Prefixes, Suffixes, & Dividing Syllables

Ambush in the Aspens:

This student book, “Ambush in the Aspens,” is the first student book scheduled in our language arts program, “Readers to Real Books.”  This wonderful resource includes stories to read, spelling practice, grammar pages, language skills, phonics pages, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.  This student book has around 260 pages of interactive worksheets and reading.

This student book continues the story line begun in “Syllables to Sentences” and continued in “Paragraphs to Pages” and “Stories to Short Chapters” language arts.  Acorn the Squirrel, his merry friends Dash and Scoot Chipmunk, and Tatty Common Mouse continue to have fun adventures in a forest where adventures happen all the time!  In this write-in reader, the friends discover a new foe roaming the fields, strange things are found in Acorn’s attic, and Tatty is kidnapped!  Your student will enjoy reading these stories and may even ask to read ahead, as they are left wondering what will happen next!

Concepts This Student Book Covers:

Week 1: Vowel “a,” Nouns, & Capital Letters

Week 2: Vowel “e,” Nouns, & Capital Letters

Week 3: Vowel “i,” Nouns, & Capital Letters

Week 4: Vowel “o,” Nouns, & Periods

Week 5: Vowel “u,” Nouns, & Periods

Week 6: Nouns, Periods, & Word Endings “-ff,” “-zz,” “-ss,” “-ck,” “-ng,” & “-nk,”

Week 7: Nouns, Question Marks, & Phonograms “ch,” “sh,” “th,” “wh,” “gh,”& “ph”

Week 8: Nouns, Idea Nouns, Question Marks, & Consonant “c” says “s” & “g” says “j”

Week 9: Nouns, Idea Nouns, Question Marks, & Phonogram “oo”

Skating on Silver Lake:

This student book, “Skating on Silver Lake,” is the second student book scheduled in our language arts program, “Readers to Real Books.”  This wonderful resource includes stories to read, spelling practice, grammar pages, language skills, phonics pages, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.  This student book has around 230 pages of interactive worksheets and reading.

This student book continues the story line begun in “Syllables to Sentences” and continued in “Paragraphs to Pages” and “Stories to Short Chapters” language arts.  Acorn the Squirrel, his merry friends Dash and Scoot Chipmunk, and Tatty Common Mouse continue to have fun adventures in a forest where adventures happen all the time!  In this write-in reader the critters build a snow castle, a new critter visits, and the raccoons get into a mess!  Your student will enjoy reading these stories and may even ask to read ahead, as they are left wondering what will happen next!

Concepts This Student Book Covers:

Week 10: Verbs & Phonograms “oy” & “oi”

Week 11: Verbs & Phonograms “ow” & “ou”

Week 12: Verbs, Exclamation Points, & Phonograms “ar” & “or”

Week 13: Verbs, Exclamation Points, &Phonogram “ur”

Week 14: Verbs, Exclamation Points, & Phonogram “are,” “air,” “err,” “ear,” “eir,” & “ear”

Week 15: Verbs, Quotation Marks, & Word Endings “ough” & “augh”

Week 16: Verbs, Quotation Marks, & Phonograms “aw” & “au”

Week 17: Verbs, Quotation Marks, Silent Letters, & Review

Week 18: Verbs & Phonics “ey,” “y,” “ie,” “eigh,” & “ei”

Treachery in the Timber:

This student book, “Treachery in the Timber,” is the third student book scheduled in our language arts program, “Readers to Real Books.”  This wonderful resource includes stories to read, spelling practice, grammar pages, language skills, phonics pages, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.  This student book has around 230 pages of interactive worksheets and reading!

This student book continues the story line begun in “Syllables to Sentences” and continued in “Paragraphs to Pages” and “Stories to Short Chapters” language arts.  Acorn the Squirrel, his merry friends Dash and Scoot Chipmunk, and Tatty Common Mouse continue to have fun adventures in a forest where adventures happen all the time!  In this write-in reader the critters help a hurt critter, Rascal Dickens sets a trap, and the beaver family learn about the Lewis and Clark Expedition.  Your student will enjoy reading these stories and may even ask to read ahead, as they are left wondering what will happen next!

Concepts This Student Book Covers:

Week 19: Adjectives, Plurals, & Word Endings “sure,” “ture,” & “zure”

Week 20: Adjectives, Plurals, & Suffixes “er,” “est,” “ed,” & “ing”

Week 21: Adjectives, Plurals, Syllables, & Word Endings & Syllables “ful,” “less,” “ly,” “age,” “ance,” “able,” & “ness”

Week 22: Adjectives, Suffixes, Prefixes, Syllables, & Word Endings & Syllables “ing,” “ful,” & “ly”

Week 23: Adjectives, Syllables, Suffixes, Prefixes, & Plurals “ion,” “tion,” “sion,” “en,” “ive,” “ity,” “some,” & “es”

Week 24: Adjectives, Syllables, Suffixes, Prefixes, Plurals, & Unusual Plurals “s,” “es,” & “ves”

Week 25: Adjectives, Phonograms, Plurals, & Unusual Plurals “ew,” “ue,” “ies,” “ves,” & “es”

Week 26: Adjectives, Prefixes, & Review

Week 27: Adjectives, Review, Plurals, & Syllables

Laughter at the Lodge:

This student book, “Laughter at the Lodge,” is the last student book scheduled in our language arts program, “Readers to Real Books.”  This wonderful resource includes stories to read, spelling practice, grammar pages, language skills, phonics pages, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.  This student book has around 230 pages of interactive worksheets and reading!

This student book continues the story line begun in “Syllables to Sentences” and continued in “Paragraphs to Pages” and “Stories to Short Chapters” language arts.  Acorn and his friends continue to have fun adventures in a forest where adventures happen all the time!  In this write-in reader the critters are terrorized by three skunks, two new critters wander into Pine Hollow, and a hawk chases after Sir Finch.  Your student will enjoy reading these stories and may even ask to read ahead, as they are left wondering what will happen next!

Concepts This Student Book Covers:

Week 28: Syllables

Week 29: Syllables

Week 30: Prefixes & Syllables “ex,” “en,” “dis,” “non,” & “de”

Week 31: Plurals & Unusual Plurals

Week 32: Phonics “ci,” “si,” & “ti”

Week 33: Apostrophes for Possession & Contractions

Week 34: Synonyms, Antonyms, & Apostrophes

Week 35: Homonyms, Synonyms, & Antonyms

Week 36: Homonyms, Synonyms, Antonyms, Plurals, Prefixes, Suffixes, & Dividing Syllables

What is in Acorn's Game Set?

Four marvelous, full-color, full-size game boards let students practice phonics.  This set includes several gameboards.  With “Burrows and Tunnels,” the critters try to make it up to the ground level to get berries from underground burrows.  In “Squirrel Away the Nuts,” the critters need to collect and store away nuts for the winter.  In “Taken from Tatty’s,” the critters try to solve mysterious happenings  in Tatty’s house.  It’s all such great fun, and gives students a fun and motivating way to practice phonics.  The “Stories to Short Chapters” guide and “Readers to Real Books” guide includes specific questions to use while playing each week’s game(s).

Important Note About This Resource

This resource is used in not only in the “Stories to Short Chapters” Program (and is purchased as part of that package) but also in the following language arts program, “Readers to Real Books.”  If you want to complete the weekly games suggested in the “Readers to Real Books,” you will need to add this resource to your purchase.