Language Arts for your fourth grader focuses on the reinforcement of key principles in grammar that they were introduced to last year. This year they will have many practice opportunities with grammar and grow their confidence in their creative writing. The writing assignments are challenging and often have an element of fun, so students are sure to be motivated.

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What’s in the LA4 Guide?

The “Solving the Mysteries of Grammar” guide schedules enough material for a full school year.  This program pulls together several great resources.  This guide schedules: guided cursive handwriting workbook, creative writing, parts of speech worksheets, punctuation, sentence structure and types, spelling activities and practice, vocabulary workbooks, reading, language activities, and language skills.  The guide offers an abundance of weekly teaching notes, helps, and instructions on how-to-use the materials in this guide and so on.  The answer key for the LA 4 Student Worktext Set is included as part of this guide.

Students will solve grammar “mystery cases” as they continue to focus on grammar studies, and reinforce the grammar foundation laid down in LA 3.  The LA 4 program includes language arts resources designed to help your student gain proficiency in grammar, begin cursive writing instruction, increase their reading comprehension and speed, and continue vocabulary building. It also includes a guidebook that offers creative suggestions to coordinate with several themed programs.  Students continue to improve their reading skills, reading suggested books that range in length from 65 to 250 pages, but which have a consistent reading level achievable for this age.  Students are expected to read about a chapter a day.

Introducing Ebook Language Arts!

You’ll love the functionality and flexibility of our Ebook language arts programs for grades 3-6. Each program is an Ebook collection that includes a guide and most of your language arts resources. These Ebook collections are specially formatted to make them easy to view on a tablet or laptop, or print from your home printer and use.  The language arts worktexts, for instance, can be printed as worksheets at home or in WP’s booklet format at Staples.

Best of all, your ebook purchase allows you to print as many copies of consumables as you need for your family.  Printing consumables can really help you save on most language arts programs, as so many include several consumables.

Another change this year is that we are no longer selling readers as part of our 3rd-6th LA programs. With the advent of personal reading devices, tablets, smartphones, and laptops, more and more of these books are available in a less-expensive Ebook format.  Reader sets are still scheduled and available as special order items, but we believe this offers flexibility to parents to choose to buy Ebooks, or borrow books from a friend or library to reduce their homeschool costs.  Instead, we are including eReading Schedules that schedule books and provide discussion questions.

What will you study in the LA4 Resources?

List of the Student Books

  • A Reason for Handwriting – Book d Student Book
  • Spellwell C, Cc, & Answer Key Student Books
  • LA Student Worktext Set
  • Independent Student Reader Set*

Concepts LA 4″ Solving the Mysteries of Grammar” Covers:

Week 1: Sentence Basics

Week 2: Subjects & Predicates

Week 3: Nouns & Plural Nouns

Week 4: Abstract & Concrete Nouns

Week 5: Possessive & Collective Nouns

Week 6: Action Verbs & Being Verbs

Week 7: Helping Verbs

Week 8: Verb Tenses & Linking Verbs

Week 9: Noun & Verb Review

Week 10: Personal Pronouns

Week 11: Many Kinds of Pronouns

Week 12: Possessive Pronouns

Week 13: Adjectives

Week 14: Proper Adjectives

Week 15: Introducing Adverbs

Week 16: Spot More Adverbs

Week 17: Prepositions

Week 18: Conjunctions

Week 19: Articles

Week 20: Interjections

Week 21: Subject-Verb Agreement

Week 22: Declarative & Interrogative Sentences

Week 23: Imperative & Exclamatory Sentences

Week 24: Simple Sentence Patterns

Week 25: More Sentence Patterns

Week 26: Still More Sentence Patterns

Week 27: Review Sentence Patterns

Week 28: What is a Clause?

Week 29: Adjective & Adverb Clauses

Week 30: Noun Clauses

Week 31: Sentence Structure

Week 32: More Sentence Structure

Week 33: Understanding Verbals

Week 34: Appositives

Week 35: Negatives

Week 36: Review & Test

Workbook A:

These worktexts will have your student solving baffling grammar mysteries, such as the Case of the Notorious Noun Fiend, or the Case of the Calamitous Verb Voyage.  Cliff Hanger, a tough sleuth and great wordsmith, guides your student through several pages of grammar and creative writing instruction per day.  His cases and notes fill the pages, providing students with a fun way to learn about language arts skills.  This is the first student workbook of four workbooks.   This is a non-consumable resource as you don’t need to purchase multiple copies if you have more than one student using this resource.

 Concepts LA 4 Student Workbook A Covers:

Book A: Sentence Basics

Book A: Subjects & Predicates

Book A: Nouns & Plural Nouns

Book A: Abstract & Concrete Nouns

Book A: Possessive & Collective Nouns

Book A: Action Verbs & Being Verbs

Book A: Helping Verbs

Book A: Verb Tenses & Linking Verbs

Book A: Noun & Verb Review

Workbook B:

These worktexts will have your student solving baffling grammar mysteries, such as the Case of the Notorious Noun Fiend, or the Case of the Calamitous Verb Voyage.  Cliff Hanger, a tough sleuth and great wordsmith, guides your student through several pages of grammar and creative writing instruction per day.  His cases and notes fill the pages, providing students with a fun way to learn about language arts skills.  This is the second student workbook of four workbooks.

 Concepts LA 4 Student Workbook B Covers:

Book B: Personal Pronouns

Book B: Many Kinds of Pronouns

Book B: Possessive Pronouns

Book B: Adjectives

Book B: Proper Adjectives

Book B: Introducing Adverbs

Book B: Spot More Adverbs

Book B: Prepositions

Book B: Conjunctions

Workbook C:

These worktexts will have your student solving baffling grammar mysteries, such as the Case of the Notorious Noun Fiend, or the Case of the Calamitous Verb Voyage.  Cliff Hanger, a tough sleuth and great wordsmith, guides your student through several pages of grammar and creative writing instruction per day.  His cases and notes fill the pages, providing students with a fun way to learn about language arts skills.  This is the third student workbook of four workbooks.   This is a non-consumable resource as you don’t need to purchase multiple copies if you have more than one student using this resource.

 Concepts LA 4 Student Workbook C Covers:

Book C: Articles

Book C: Interjections

Book C: Subject-Verb Agreement

Book C: Declarative & Interrogative Sentences

Book C: Imperative & Exclamatory Sentences

Book C: Simple Sentence Patterns

Book C: More Sentence Patterns

Book C: Still More Sentence Patterns

Book C: Review Sentence Patterns

Workbook D:

These worktexts will have your student solving baffling grammar mysteries, such as the Case of the Notorious Noun Fiend, or the Case of the Calamitous Verb Voyage.  Cliff Hanger, a tough sleuth and great wordsmith, guides your student through several pages of grammar and creative writing instruction per day.  His cases and notes fill the pages, providing students with a fun way to learn about language arts skills.  This is the fourth student workbook of four workbooks.

Concepts LA 4 Student Workbook D Covers:

Book D: What is a Clause?

Book D: Adjective & Adverb Clauses

Book D: Noun Clauses

Book D: Sentence Structure

Book D: More Sentence Structure

Book D: Understanding Verbals

Book D: Appositives

Book D: Negatives

Book D: Review & Test

What are the LA4 Spelling Resources:

Spellwell C, CC & Answer Key:

Fun activities encourage advanced phonic development and spelling skills.  This resource has students really interacting well with each week’s spelling words.

A Reason for Handwriting Book D:

Students will find this full-color text interesting to complete each day.  Lessons are built around a Scripture verse that allows students to practice key letter combinations.

Want to Dive Deep?

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