Quest for the Ancient World eReading Schedule

Ebook Only

Quest for the Ancient World eReading Schedule

This resource has questions for the student to answer after every chapter for all the books scheduled in this set.  This set of grade-appropriate readers goes along with “Quest for the Ancient World.”  Through these readers students will learn about life in ancient Egypt, Rome, and Israel.  These readers are not available individually – they can only be purchased as a set.  This reader set is scheduled in LA 4 “Solving the Mysteries of Grammar,” LA 5 “Digging Into Paragraphs,” and LA 6 “Exploring Word Pictures.”

List of Readers Scheduled in the Quest for the Ancient World LA eReading Schedule

  • Tirzah
  • Beauty in the Fields
  • Bible Wars & Weapons
  • Rise of the Golden Cobra
  • Aesop’s Fables
  • Theras & His Town
  • Detectives in Togas
  • Polycarp: Crown of Fire


SKU: QAW-EREAD Category: