This is a course on the various aspects of grammar, mechanics and usage.  Each lesson has an in-depth explanation of the concept, and an exercise to practice the skill.  Many of the lessons present a more in-depth look at concepts in grammar that have been practiced by the student in preceding years, and this give students an opportunity toward increasing mastery!

Click through the options below to learn more about the resources found in this program!


What’s in the LA8 Guide?

This guide is 36-week schedule that coordinates the variety of resources included in this program.  It schedules, writing instruction, literature, literature evaluation, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and other language skills.  Teaching helps and other references are included in the front matter of this guide.  Shown below is a thorough look at how this guide covers and schedules the different concepts in this guide.  Look at the tabs below to take an in-depth look at the different aspects scheduled in this guide.

Grammar & Language Skills Component to LA 8 “Developing Your Storywriting”

This guide schedules the grammar resource “Basics for Communicating Effectively.”  This is a course on the various aspects of grammar, mechanics and usage.  Each lesson has an in-depth explanation of the concept, and an exercise to practice the skill.  Many of the lessons present a more in-depth look at concepts in grammar that have been practiced by the student in preceding years, and this give students an opportunity toward increasing mastery.

Writing & the Writing Principles Notebook Component to
LA 8 “Developing Your Storywriting”

The writing portion scheduled in the LA 8 “Developing Your Storywriting” guide is from the book “Write Great Fiction: Plot & Structure” and the “Writing Principles Notebook.”  Each week students will read from “Write Great Fiction: Plot & Structure” which has writing opportunities and each chapter has several writing exercises that students complete.  These chapter ending writing exercises help students develop in different areas in writing.  Students will get weekly writing practice and will be given opportunities to write on topics linked to their historical topic.

“Write Great Fiction: Plot & Structure” presents incredible information on hot to develop students’ storywriting skills.  Students will work through the book, reading practical information on storywriting, plot and structuring their writing.  They will also learn how to apply these skills to real-life writing, and practice those skills with challenging exercises.

In the “Writing Principles Notebook,” students will begin (or continue filling if you’ve already begun this resource in our previous LA programs) assembling this resource using the originals and instructions included in the LA 8 “Developing Your Storywriting” guide.  This notebook will be continued to be used in our High School LA programs, adding different writing principles, words, and other means of written expression.

These notebook originals are meant to be copied to make a notebook that students add notes, vocabulary and spelling words, and writing instructions and principles from their reading in their “Write Great Fiction: Plot & Structure” book.  This provides active opportunities to learn and reinforce new writing skills as they record the things they are learning from their LA 8.  The different approach to the writing this year will encourage creativity and be a unique LA experience.

What are the LA8 Spelling Resources:

 Spelling & Vocabulary Component to LA 8 “Developing Your Storywriting”

This year’s spelling course is unique compared to our other LA.  This year students will be focusing on literary terms taken from their writing resource, “Write Great Fiction: Plot & Structure.”  Each week they will be reading from this title and be adding words that they must familiarize themselves with their spellings and meanings within the context of writing.   These words are often used in literature, and others on speaking and written expression.  All will need to be defined during the week they are studied, so that they will understand a wide variety of academic terms and familiarize themselves with a wider grasp of language as a whole.  Another key for vocabulary is the student book “Wordly Wise 3000 – Book 8.”

Want to Dive Deep?

Click here to learn more about our Jr & Sr High LA programs and dive deep into what your student will learn!

Check out our newly updated Pine Hollow Reading!