Study American history from the Civil War all the way to the present, or right where our American Story 1 Themed Program leaves off! With 5 full color living texts and the activity books we’ve created for this program, even the oldest learners will remain interested and engaged throughout!

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American Story 2

What are the different resources in this study?

American Story 2 Guide – This guide brings all of the open-and-go features that our other guides provide.  Weekly schedules, notes on important topics, parental guidance on any sensitive issues, activity ideas, bonus website links, activity preparation information and much more!

WinterPromise Reading Resources – There are five reading resources exclusively created by WinterPromise that bring in the joy of living books as well the detail and presentation that are highlights of our resources. These five resources will be the spine of what you are reading throughout the year. Alongside of our spine resources we include America Can Do It as a bonus resource that will highlight all the challenges America took on throughout its history.

Living Books – There is a selection of other books brought into the program to bring a diverse perspective and rich reading experiences as a family. They are — Civil War for Kids, World War 2 for Kids, Shutting out the Sky, Six Days in October and Team Moon. These are a part of our “premium” packages and not our “basic” packages.

Activity Resources – We provide two activity resources, the American Achievements Activity Pack & Build Our American Culture. Our American Achievements Activity Pack is a activity resource that will bring American Culture from previous generations right into your home. The Build Our American Culture resource is in ebook only, and is a set of projects that you can build and create. They are intended to be done on cardstock and in full color.

American Story 2 Journal – As always our journaling is a highlight in this program. Your student will have two journals for this program. These journals will be at the center of everything you learn bringing it all together. Rich learning experiences and diverse journaling pages make these journals a truly wonderful learning experience.

What’s in the American Story 2 Guide?

Your American Story 2 guide will come alongside you to help you keep your school days organized.  It is designed to be easy to follow, with each week’s assignments laid out on just one page!  The introduction to the guide offers you oodles of teaching helps that may feel like Charlotte Mason just “friended” you — like advice she’d give you on how to grade student work!  It’s all here!

  • A 36-week, 4-day schedule is laid out clearly in a grid-style on just one page
  • Introductory material helps you mentor and “learn together” with your student
  • Supply lists and other helps make planning quick and painless
  • Narration ideas in the front of the guide help you prompt your student through the year
  • Weekly schedule page reduces your paperwork and is easy to follow, with clear notes
  • Resources offer a focus on activities that are “Open & Go!”
  • Ratings systems for activities help you find the ones you want!
  • Independent study schedules for older students eliminate writing out homework lists
  • 100 Timeline Cards and games provide fun drill to retain key events
  • Website and DVD suggestions take your family back to early American times
  • Above all, WP offers a practical, “Can-Do-and-Want-To-Do!” approach
  • Additional library Suggestions
  • Multiple age level Adventure Reading scheduled

What is in the American Story 2 Living Texts Part 1 & 2?

Detailed & Historically Accurate Illustrations – Each illustration in this book is carefully researched so your family will see how early Americans wore and what they created.

Full Color Two-Page Spreads – as you read this book together as a family you’ll feel like you’re inside a Dorling Kinderley book!

“Go Inside” Illustrations – look inside a submarine, the Titanic, Assembly Lines, WWII camps, and more!

Picking up where American Story 1 left off our American Story 2 brings a unique and exciting learning experience for your family.  As your  family journeys through the turbulent and exciting second half of American history your family will learn and experience all of American Culture. Here is what you will study!

Brother Against Brother
Week 1: The Road to Civil War
Week 2: The Fighting Begins
Week 3: Battlefront & Homefront
Week 4: Turning Points in the War
Week 5: Hardships of War
Week 6: The Union is Preserved

Cowboys, Pioneers & Lawless Towns
Week 7: Reconstruction After War
Week 8: Politics of Reconstruction
Week 9: Homesteads in the West
Week 10: Railroads Span the Country
Week 11: Cowboys & Cattle Drives
Week 12: Final Struggles of Native Americans
Week 13: The Wild West

New Ways of Doing Almost Everything
Week 14: The Dreams of Immigrants
Week 15: American Opportunities
Week 16: Industrialization
Week 17: American Cities
Week 18: American Inventors
Week 19: The New York Subway

Depression & War
Week 20: Teddy Roosevelt & the Progressives
Week 21: World War I
Week 22: The Roaring 20’s
Week 23: The Stock Market Crash
Week 24: The Great Depression
Week 25: Hard Times & FDR
Week 26: The War in Europe
Week 27: World War II
Week 28: World War II Battles
Week 29: World War II Ends

Contented Times, Civil Rights & Communism
Week 30: The 1950’s
Week 31: The Fight for Civil Rights
Week 32: John F. Kennedy
Week 33: The Vietnam War

The Challenge of the Future
Week 34: Space Exploration
Week 35: To the Moon!
Week 36: Life in America Today

What is in the American Story 2 Journals?

Your student will love to delve into these colorful, interactive journals.  At well over 200 full color pages per journal, they features pages to fill in, cut out, or even flip and fold!  These resource are divided by week, and offers pages related to the history, culture, science, industry, trades, and geography of growing America.

Here are some highlights of these journal!

  • Make “Flip & Fold” Maps of the Civil War
  • Learn Morse Code
  • Map the battles of the Civil War
  • Decode a Civil War Cipher
  • Assemble a Pup Tent and its' items
  • Design a Soup Can label
  • Science Experiments

What is in the American Story 2 Activity Resources?

WinterPromise considers itself a curriculum that embraces the “Experience Approach,” offering Charlotte-Mason style learning opportunities with up-to-date materials that make the most of technology, too.  In American Story 2 you’ll encounter a lot of our signature “Experiences" in the resources: America Can Do It!, Build our American Culture, Later American Painters, American Acheivements Pack, and more!

Here are just a sampling of the experiences your student can choose to make a part of their year:

  • Spend time being a Civil War Photographer
  • Cook for the Civil War Soldiers
  • Deisgn your own Monument
  • Travel the UnderGround Railroad
  • Try Fried Hardtack
  • Study American Paintings
  • Assemble an old Western Street
  • Create your own American Inventors Game!

Want to Dive Deep?

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