Fifth Grade Language Arts Student Books A-D introduce nouns of all types, action, helping, being and linking verbs, verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, forming singular and plural, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, interjections, possessives, contractions, and other grammar concepts. In addition, your student will learn the mechanics of grammar with punctuation marks of all types, capitalization, prefixes, suffixes, misused words and more. There are ample practice exercises and review sections to reinforce what the student has learned. An answer key makes grading and feedback easy for you! And the SpellWell Book D & DD together provide a year’s worth of spelling lessons.

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What’s in the LA5 Guide?

The “Digging in Paragraphs” guide schedules enough material for a full school year.  This program pulls together several great resources.  This guide schedules: cursive handwriting practice, creative paragraph instruction and writing, parts of speech worksheets, punctuation, sentence structure and types, spelling activities and practice, vocabulary workbooks, reading, language activities, and language skills.  The guide offers weekly teaching notes, helps, and instructions on how-to-use the materials in this guide and so on.  The answer key for the LA 5 Student Worktext Set and Scout’s Guide to Good Paragraphs is included as part of this resource.

Master the basics of writing a good paragraph!  Scout has returned with all new adventures in Alaska that will guide students through the basics of writing a good paragraph.  The creative writing is focused on constructing paragraphs of various types, from instructive to descriptive and more.  Along the way, Scout will help students move forward with their grammar studies to more difficult concepts such as direct and indirect objects, clauses, verb phrases and more while reviewing basic usage and mechanics.  Students will also continue practicing their cursive writing skills and vocabulary building.

LA 5 includes the items listed below, and a guidebook that brings it all together and offers instruction to coordinate with your fifth grader’s themed program.  It also includes a guidebook that offers creative suggestions to coordinate with several themed programs.  Students continue to improve their reading skills, reading suggested books that range in length from 65 to 250 pages, but which have a consistent reading level achievable for this age.  Students are expected to read about a chapter a day.

Introducing Ebook Language Arts!

You’ll love the functionality and flexibility of our ebook language arts programs for grades 3-6.  Each program is an ebook collection that includes a guide and most of your language arts resources. These ebook collections are specially formatted to make them easy to view on a tablet or laptop, or print from your home printer and use.  The language arts worktexts, for instance, can be printed as worksheets at home or in WP’s booklet format at Staples.

Best of all, your ebook purchase allows you to print as many copies of consumables as you need for your family.  Printing consumables can really help you save on most language arts programs, as so many include several consumables.

Another change this year is that we are no longer selling readers as part of our 3rd-6th LA programs. With the advent of personal reading devices, tablets, smartphones, and laptops, more and more of these books are available in a less-expensive ebook format.  Reader sets are still scheduled and available as special order items, but we believe this offers flexibility to parents to choose to buy ebooks, or borrow books from a friend or library to reduce their homeschool costs.  Instead, we are including eReading Schedules that schedule books and provide discussion questions.

What will you study in the LA5 Resources?

List of the Student Books

  • Scout’s Guide to Good Paragraphs
  • Spellwell D, Dd, & Answer Key Student Books
  • LA Student Worktext Set
  • eReading Schedule

Concepts LA 5 “Digging Into Paragraphs” Covers:

Week 1: Sentence Basics, Subject and Verb, Periods, & Negatives

Week 2: Negatives, Subject and Verb, Abbreviations, & Sentence labeling

Week 3: Nouns, Proper Nouns, & Capitalization,

Week 4: Nouns, Plural Nouns, Capitalization, Key Words, & Topic Sentences

Week 5:  Collective Nouns, Being Verbs, Action Verbs, Helping Verbs, & Commas

Week 6: Being, Helping, and Linking Verbs; Verb Tenses, Semi-Colons and Colons, Taking Notes in an Outline, & Paragraph Outlining

Week 7: Paragraph Outline, Supporting Sentences, Being Verbs/Helping Verbs/Linking Verbs,

Week 8: Personal and Possessive Pronouns, Antecedents, Indefinite Pronouns, & Parallel Construction in an Outline

Week 9: Interrogative and Demonstrative Pronouns, Pronoun Review, & Apostrophes

Week 10: Pronouns, Parentheses, Intensive Pronouns, & Using Signal Words

Week 11: Adjectives, Abbreviations, & Using Signal Words

Week 12: Linking Verbs & Hyphens

Week 13: Adverbs, Enumerative Paragraph, & Hyphens

Week 14: Ellipsis, Enumerative Paragraphs, & Positive Comparative Superlative Adverbs/Adjectives

Week 15: Sequence Paragraphs, Prepositions, & Prepositional Phrase

Week 16: Interjection & Quotation Marks

Week 17: Definite Article, Indefinite Article, Quotation Marks and Other Punctuation, & Nouns,

Week 18: Coordinating Conjunctions, Correlative Conjunctions, Sentence Review, & Sequence Paragraph/Signal Words

Week 19: Cause Effect Paragraphs, Singular Plural Nouns and Verbs, & Prefixes,

Week 20: Cause Effect Paragraphs, Singular Plural Linking Verbs, & Suffixes

Week 21: Subject Verb Agreement, Run-On Sentence, Declarative and Interrogative Sentences, & Compare Contrast Paragraphs

Week 22: Contrast Paragraphs, Imperative Sentences, Sentence Review, & Sentence Fragments

Week 23: Sentence Patterns, Direct Object, Compare Contrast Paragraphs, & Diagram Sentences

Week 24: Sentence Patterns, Indirect Objects, Diagramming Sentences, Combining Sentences, & Descriptive Paragraphs

Week 25: Linking Verbs, Descriptive Paragraphs, Writing Numerals, & Sentence Patterns

Week 26: Predicate Nominative, Predicate Adjective, Linking Verbs, Descriptive Paragraph, & Nouns of Direct Address

Week 27: Sentence Patterns, Linking Verbs, Grammar Review, & Detailed Outline

Week 28: Negatives, Similes and Metaphors& Paragraph Practice

Week 29: Appositives, Personification, Participles, Gerunds, Infinitives, & Using Notes to Write a Paragraph

Week 30: Verbals, Parallel Construction, Participles, Gerunds, Infinitives, & Creating a Clincher

Week 31: Independent, Subordinate, and Dependent Clauses; Clauses, Paragraph Outline and Practice, & Misused Words

Week 32: Adjective, Adverb, & Noun Clauses; Compound, Complex, & Compound Complex Sentences; Review, & Misused Words

Week 33: Subordinate Clauses, Independent and Dependent Clauses, & Misused Words

Week 34: Sentence Structure, Descriptive Paragraphs, & Misused Words

Week 35: Simple and Compound Sentences, Complex Sentences, Misused Words Review, & Compound Complex Sentences

Week 36: Sentence Review, Noun Pronoun and Verb Review, Grammar Review, & Test

Workbook A:

Scout the dog is back, and his family is moving to Alaska where he’ll encounter all new situations — and a need for more advanced grammar skills!  These worktexts will have your student working through fun grammar and writing exercises as you encounter Scout’s wild adventures there!  Families who have used our other LA with Scout, the dog, are always thrilled to return to his adventures.  If this is your first time using our LA you are in for a treat.  Scout has hillarious adventures.  What is unique about this LA is that you will learn a ton about the far northern reaches of Alaska!

This item can be used with multiple students as it is an ebook and so it is non-consumable.  You will not need to purchase a second copy of this resource for another student.  Also this is the first of four workbooks scheduled in the LA 5 guide.

Concepts LA 5 Student Workbook A Covers:

Book A: Sentence Basics, Subject and Verb, Periods, & Negatives

Book A: Negatives, Subject and Verb, Abbreviations, & Sentence labeling

Book A: Nouns, Proper Nouns, & Capitalization,

Book A: Nouns, Plural Nouns, Capitalization, Key Words, & Topic Sentences

Book A: Collective Nouns, Being Verbs, Action Verbs, Helping Verbs, & Commas

Book A: Being, Helping, and Linking Verbs; Verb Tenses, Semi-Colons, & Colons

Book A: Being Verbs, Helping Verbs, & Linking Verbs

Book A: Personal and Possessive Pronouns, Antecedents, & Indefinite Pronouns

Book A: Interrogative and Demonstrative Pronouns, Pronoun Review, & Apostrophes

Workbook B:

Scout the dog is back, and his family is moving to Alaska where he’ll encounter all new situations — and a need for more advanced grammar skills!  These worktexts will have your student working through fun grammar and writing exercises as you encounter Scout’s wild adventures there!  Families who have used our other LA with Scout, the dog, are always thrilled to return to his adventures.  If this is your first time using our LA you are in for a treat.  Scout has hillarious adventures.  What is unique about this LA is that you will learn a ton about the far northern reaches of Alaska!  This is the second of four workbooks scheduled in the LA 5 guide.

Concepts LA 5 Student Workbook B Covers:

Book B: Pronouns, Parentheses, & Intensive Pronouns

Book B: Adjectives & Abbreviations

Book B: Linking Verbs & Hyphens

Book B: Adverbs & Hyphens

Book B: Ellipsis & Positive Comparative Superlative Adverbs/Adjectives

Book B: Prepositions & Prepositional Phrase

Book B: Interjection & Quotation Marks

Book B: Definite Article, Indefinite Article, Quotation Marks and Other Punctuation, & Nouns,

Book B: Coordinating Conjunctions, Correlative Conjunctions, & Sentence Review

Workbook C:

Scout the dog is back, and his family is moving to Alaska where he’ll encounter all new situations — and a need for more advanced grammar skills!  These worktexts will have your student working through fun grammar and writing exercises as you encounter Scout’s wild adventures there!  Families who have used our other LA with Scout, the dog, are always thrilled to return to his adventures.  If this is your first time using our LA you are in for a treat.  Scout has hillarious adventures.  What is unique about this LA is that you will learn a ton about the far northern reaches of Alaska!  This is the third of four workbooks scheduled in the LA 5 guide.

Concepts LA 5 Student Workbook C Covers:

Book C: Singular Plural Nouns and Verbs, & Prefixes,

Book C: Cause Effect Paragraphs, Singular Plural Linking Verbs, & Suffixes

Book C: Subject Verb Agreement, Run-On Sentence, Declarative Sentences, & Interrogative Sentences

Book C: Imperative Sentences, Sentence Review, & Sentence Fragments

Book C: Sentence Patterns, Direct Object, & Diagram Sentences

Book C: Sentence Patterns, Indirect Objects, Diagramming Sentences, & Combining Sentences

Book C: Linking Verbs, Writing Numerals, & Sentence Patterns

Book C: Predicate Nominative, Predicate Adjective, Linking Verbs, & Nouns of Direct Address

Book C: Sentence Patterns, Linking Verbs, & Grammar Review

Workbook D:

Scout the dog is back, and his family is moving to Alaska where he’ll encounter all new situations — and a need for more advanced grammar skills!  These worktexts will have your student working through fun grammar and writing exercises as you encounter Scout’s wild adventures there!  Families who have used our other LA with Scout, the dog, are always thrilled to return to his adventures.  If this is your first time using our LA you are in for a treat.  Scout has hilarious adventures.  What is unique about this LA is that you will learn a ton about the far northern reaches of Alaska!

This item can be used with multiple students as it is an ebook and so it is non-consumable.  You will not need to purchase a second copy of this resource for another student.  Also this is the fourth of four workbooks scheduled in the LA 5 guide.

Concepts LA 5 Student Workbook D Covers:

Book D: Negatives, Similes, & Metaphors

Book D: Appositives, Personification, Participles, Gerunds, & Infinitives

Book D: Verbals, Participles, Gerunds, & Infinitives

Book D: Independent, Subordinate, and Dependent Clauses; Clauses, & Misused Words

Book D: Adjective, Adverb, & Noun Clauses; Compound, Complex, & Compound Complex Sentences; Review, & Misused Words

Book D: Subordinate Clauses, Independent and Dependent Clauses, & Misused Words

Book D: Sentence Structure & Misused Words

Book D: Simple and Compound Sentences, Complex Sentences, Misused Words Review, & Compound Complex Sentences

Book D: Review & Test

LA5 Scout's Guide to Good Paragraphs:

Students will learn writing skills like planning, word choice, organization, paragraphs, and short essays. Students will learn to build and write several types of paragraphs, use topic sentences, and add detail.

Concepts Scout’s Guide to Good Paragraphs Covers:

Week 1: Constructing a Paragraph

Week 2: Examining Paragraphs

Week 3: Examining Paragraphs

Week 4: Examining Paragraphs

Week 5: None

Week 6: Taking Notes in an Outline & Paragraph Outlining

Week 7: Paragraph Outline & Supporting Sentences

Week 8: Parallel Construction in an Outline

Week 9: Practice Outlining a Paragraph

Week 10: Using Signal Words

Week 11: Using Signal Words

Week 12: Outline a Paragraph

Week 13: Enumerative Paragraph

Week 14: Enumerative Paragraphs

Week 15: Sequence Paragraphs

Week 16: Sequence Paragraphs

Week 17: Cause and Effect Paragraphs

Week 18: Sequence Paragraph & Signal Words

Week 19: Cause Effect Paragraphs

Week 20: Cause Effect Paragraphs

Week 21: Compare Contrast Paragraphs

Week 22: Contrast Paragraphs

Week 23: Compare Contrast Paragraphs

Week 24: Descriptive Paragraphs

Week 25: Descriptive Paragraphs & Writing Numerals

Week 26: Descriptive Paragraph

Week 27: Detailed Outline

Week 28: Paragraph Practice

Week 29: Using Notes to Write a Paragraph

Week 30: Parallel Construction & Creating a Clincher

Week 31: Paragraph Outline & Outline Practice

Week 32: Putting Your Skills Together & Write a Paragraph

Week 33: None

Week 34: None

Week 35: None

Week 36: Done

What are the LA5 Spelling Resources:

Spellwell D, DD & Answer Key:

Fun activities encourage advanced phonic development and spelling skills.  This resource has students really interacting well with each week’s spelling words.

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