You’ll love this easy-to-use guide, specially designed to make it quick to keep your family on track this year. This guide lays out 36 weeks of instruction, so it is a snap to follow and use. Each week features a one-page grid — your “headquarters” for knowing what to do with each student, no matter what their age. It also features a page of parent notes that offers teaching tips and includes additional ideas to enrich your family culture, online website links that let you visit places and events in time, and video suggestions that make your week’s experience even more vibrant.
Parents love how the guide is set up on a four-day schedule. This allows families to participate one day in church activities, volunteerism or ministry, a cultural enrichment class, or even allow for family visits, sick days, or doctor visits! It fits real family life!
In addition, this guide features front matter that helps you understand how each resource in the program supports learning goals, how to use them with your students, Charlotte Mason-style helps for grading, and much more. It even includes a section on student learning styles, and how to leverage WinterPromise resources to reach individual student learning avenues. A final bonus are 100 history timeline cards that reinforce key dates in early American history, plus games to use to learn and review them.
Weekly Topics
The Civil War – Brother Against Brother
Week 1: The Road to the Civil War
Week 2: The Fighting Begins
Week 3: Battlefront & Homefront
Week 4: Turning Points in the War
Week 5: Hardships of War
Week 6: The Union is Preserved
Settling the West – Cowboys, Pioneers & Lawless Towns
Week 7: Reconstruction After War
Week 8: Politics of Reconstruction
Week 9: Homesteads in the West
Week 10: Railroads Span the Country
Week 11: Cowboys & Cattle Drives
Week 12: Final Struggles of Native Americans
Week 13: The Wild West
Industrialization, Immigration & the Growth of Big Cities – New Ways of Doing Almost Everything
Week 14: The Dreams of Immigrants
Week 15: American Opportunities
Week 16: Industrialization
Week 17: American Cities
Week 18: American Inventors
Week 19: The New York Subway
A New Century & Hard Times – Depression & War
Week 20: Teddy Roosevelt & the Progressives
Week 21: World War I
Week 22: The Roaring 20’s
Week 23: The Stock Market Crash
Week 24: The Great Depression
Week 25: Hard Times & FDR
Week 26: The War in Europe
Week 27: World War II
Week 28: World War II Battles
Week 29: World War II Ends
Back on the Home Front – Contented Times, Civil Rights & Communism
Week 30: The 1950’s
Week 31: The Fight for Civil Rights
Week 32: John F. Kennedy
Week 33: The Vietnam War
The Space Age Arrives – The Challenge of the Future
Week 34: Space Exploration
Week 35: To the Moon!
Week 36: Life in America Today